################################################################################ # # OCS Inventory NG Management Server Setup # # Copyleft 2008 OCS Inventory NG Team # Web: http://www.ocsinventory-ng.org # # This code is open source and may be copied and modified as long as the source # code is always made freely available. # Please refer to the General Public Licence http://www.gnu.org/ or Licence.txt ################################################################################ ocsinventory-log.pl is a sample that enables you to see your ocs server's activity. You have to rotate your logs daily at 00:00, using the "compressed" option to have a day level visibility (use the provided logrotate) This kind of scripts may help you to adjust server's settings, especially FREQUENCY and PROLOG_FREQ parameter. Theses are the supported parameters : -f='log file' The log file to read -a=day_before Look for a 'log_file_name.gz' according to logrotate naming system -r Summary per hour of the activity -s General summary for the day -h="hour_num" See a specific hour => -m in minutes => -d group by ten minutes