################################################################################ # # OCS Inventory NG Communication Server Perl Module Setup # # Copyleft 2006 Pascal DANEK # Web: http://www.ocsinventory-ng.org # # This code is open source and may be copied and modified as long as the source # code is always made freely available. # Please refer to the General Public Licence http://www.gnu.org/ or Licence.txt ################################################################################ This module handles communication between OCS Inventory NG agents and server. It acts as an Apache extension and require following PERL Modules. - 'DBI' => 1.40 or higher - 'Apache::DBI' => 0.93 or higher - 'DBD::mysql' => 2.9004 or higher - 'Compress::Zlib' => 1.33 or higher - 'XML::Simple' => 2.12 or higher - 'Net::IP' => 1.21 or higher To setup it, just follow traditional PERL Module installation procedure. - perl Makefile.PL - make - make install This will install OCS Inventory NG Communication Server PERL Module into standard PERL includes directory. Next, you have to to configure Apache web server to load Communication Server at startup. You can use provided etc/ocsinventory/ocsinventory-server.conf file as sample. Apache must have module mod_perl enabled. As configuration differs from mod_perl 1.999_21 or previous AND mod_perl 1.999_22 or higher, you must specify which release of mod_perl your Apache is using. On Linux computers, you can find which release of mod_perl is installed by running the following command: - On RPM enabled OS, rpm -q mod_perl - On DPKG enabled OS, dpkg -l libapache*-mod-perl* You must set the value of PERL constant OCS_MODPERL_VERSION to 1 if mod_perl 1.999_21 or previous is used by Apache, or to 2 if mod_perl 1.999_22 and higher is used by Apache. Update constants OCS_DB_HOST and OCS_DB_PORT to specify where is MySQL database server. Generally, set localhost and 3306 if MySQL is on the same computer. Update constant OCS_LOGPATH to specify where Communication Server must write logs, if they are enabled. Remember to allow web server to write in this directory ! File etc/logrotate.d/ocsinventory-server is a sample to enable rotation of Communication Server logs. Directory binutils contains useful perl scripts to batch import locally generated inventory results (.ocs files), to analyse Communication Server logs... Refer to README in directory. Enjoy ;-)